Tuesday, November 06, 2012


(something that I had written about 20 years ago... It is interesting how thoughts and beliefs change... I still consider myself a theist, but my concept of God and religion has undergone a seismic shift!!!)

The Supreme being,
The omnipresent, omnipotent
The all.

Is there any single thing
that you do not know.
A single feeling
you do not feel.
A single ill
you do not cure.

When I'm under your loving care and shelter,
Is there anything to fear.
You the propounder of peace and love
Of duty and discipline
of kindness and devotion.

Is there anything that I should ask you
You always solve my problems
You always grant my wishes
Why should I fear, My life is all HOPE
I am blessed that I know you
I am blessed that you are there!


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